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Be a More Sustainable Traveler

If we individually make ethical decisions when we travel, as a collective we will be sustaining conscious travel for generations to come. So when visiting a new destination, consider that your choices are votes for the future direction of that place. the impact we have on the environment, nature and the community which welcomes us.

We are blessed on the Konkan coast to always be in touch with the natural world, and as I write this I’m watching the beginnings of new life emerge from the kaleidoscope of lush greens which fill my lens. To my right I see a pair of Kites returning to the same coconut tree to nest for another year. They are full of hope for the future as they build their nest. Beneath them, bobbing in and out of the dense wet land are two peahens with 3 chicks apiece. The chicks follow them intently, cajoled by their mothers to ensure they don’t wander too far.

These idyllic scenes are to be treasured. But the pace of development since the Covid Pandemic has been a pandemic in itself, igniting a genuine fear that these scenes of nature may only exist for our current generation. This immediate and genuine threat makes us more determined to ensure we do our part to protect the environment which supports us. For our part, we have been designing sustainable living concepts for our clients and have just embarked on discussions for solid waste management pilot projects for villages in Sindhudurg.

When you stay with us at Coco Shambhala, you can be assured your impact on the environment will be minimal and your impact on the community which welcomes you, positive.